Mock Interview Reflection

Overall, I feel as though my interview went well. I felt as though I prepared adequately, and prepared basic answers for many of the questions that were asked. To prepare, I made a list of possible questions and put bullet pointed answers under them of what points I would want to make. I feel as though this helped me to brainstorm things I wanted to discuss, but kept me from being scripted and writing out everything word for word on what I was going to say. The interview went much differently than I expected because I thought the questions would be ones that completely stumped me. I was nervous that I would not be able to think of answers to the questions, but the questions that were asked were ones that I felt as though I could answer. I was afraid that my interviewer would be intimidating, but she was very kind and showed interest in me as an individual. Something that I would change if I went through this process again would be to allow myself time to think about how I want to answer a question. While I feel as though I covered everything I wanted to, I wish I had allowed myself a second to gather my thoughts and plan out the order in which I say things. Something I learned during this process that may be helpful to me as I prepare to enter the workforce as an OT practitioner would be to pace myself and to introduce myself by my first and last name. For some reason, it escaped my mind to say my last name. Having had this interview experience, I believe that I will now be able to remember to introduce myself this way. I also will be able to take a second to think through my answers so that I do not feel rushed and miss anything I want to say. This was a great experience, and I now feel much more comfortable with the interview process! 
